Safe But Skeptical: Exersaucers, Walkers, Jumpers, And Seats

Safe But Skeptical: Exersaucers, Walkers, Jumpers, And Seats

Devices may keep your baby safe, but they also keep them stationary. Read on to learn how to keep your baby out of harm’s way while on the track to gross motor success! Imagine placing your fingers on a keyboard and trying to learn to type… before you know the alphabet! Building blocks of your…

Kids Are Not Developing Appropriately – Not hitting baby milestones. What Can You Do?

More and more infants, as well as kids, are not developing in strength, coordination and balance as well as they should. Baby milestones indicate the health of a child’s growth. The problem is becoming worse and worse lately, causing parents to worry and stress. Baby milestones are important. If your child is not hitting their…

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Physical Disability Can Be Helped

More and more kids are having physical issues and disability today that can be helped. In this article we will talk about some of the different types of problems occurring and how to get help. From the time kids are infants there are many challenges that they face that will affect them for the rest of their…