How To Help Young Children Build Endurance

Build Kids Endurance

Many of us think that running, jumping, climbing and playing are all activities that come naturally to children. You don’t usually have to teach your child these skills; you DO however have to teach them how to build their endurance!

When your child is performing a physically demanding activity and they want to stop, encourage them to push through and do just 2 more; this builds endurance.

Most kids CAN keep going for a few more times….

Here are a few suggestions on how to present fun ways to be active:

1. Go to the playground – encourage climbing the ladder, negotiating uneven surfaces or even climb up the slide instead of coming down.

2. Teach your child to swim – swimming builds endurance quickly.

3. Play tag – make it your child’s choice, when they are tired encourage
them to take 2 more turns.

4. Take walks – start with around the block and build up to longer walks or hikes.

Endurance builds gradually as children get exercise through structured and unstructured activities. Exercise strengthens your child’s muscles, improves posture, decreases body fat and improves cardiovascular health. These are all factors that contribute to how long a child can keep moving; otherwise known as ENDURANCE.

Tips for success:

1. Make it fun – be creative in the games or activities that you choose.

2. Praise them – this is the key to your child’s success.

3. Be a role model – live an active lifestyle to set a good example.

4. Set expectations – if your child knows the end goal they will be more likely to participate.

Start Now! Summer is the best time to encourage children to be active, build strength and ultimately improve endurance.

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