The One Simple Change: To Extending Your Babies Naps 

The One Simple Change: To Extending Your Babies Naps 

By Dr. Hayley Apiscopa, Pediatric Physical Therapist, Co-Owner Developmental Steps There is a common mistake that parents make that results in their baby not getting the rest they need. I’m going to explain what that mistake is and what you should do instead. Hi, my name is Dr. Hayley Apiscopa, and I am a Pediatric…

Safe But Skeptical: Exersaucers, Walkers, Jumpers, And Seats

Safe But Skeptical: Exersaucers, Walkers, Jumpers, And Seats

Devices may keep your baby safe, but they also keep them stationary. Read on to learn how to keep your baby out of harm’s way while on the track to gross motor success! Imagine placing your fingers on a keyboard and trying to learn to type… before you know the alphabet! Building blocks of your…

Discover Ways to Improve Your Child’s Coordination

Discover Ways to Improve Your Child’s Coordination

After 2 years without “normal” recess, after-school sports, and gym class, you may notice your child is not keeping up with other kids as they begin to return to the field and playground. There are many ways to help play developmental catch-up with your child’s gross motor skills!  The basis of coordination relies on your…

Summer Shoes for Thought: Tips on Providing the Best Support for Your Child’s Feet in the Summer

Summer Shoes for Thought: Tips on Providing the Best Support for Your Child’s Feet in the Summer

We know there is so much to do to prepare your family for summer: clothes shopping, dusting off the summer toys and getting your grill ready. We’re here to help you take the guesswork out of at least one part of it: your child’s sandals! Just like with sneakers, the structure, material, quality, support and…

Waiting to Walk: Why It’s Ok If Your Child Isn’t Walking By Their First Birthday

Waiting to Walk: Why It’s Ok If Your Child Isn’t Walking By Their First Birthday

By Hayley Apiscopa, DPT When Will My Baby Start Walking? Healthy babies often reach developmental milestones like getting their first tooth and crawling at different rates – learning to walk is no different. Many parents that come to my clinic often express concern if their child has not hit this key developmental milestone by 12 months…